Warrior Built Golf Tournament Recap 2021


After a COVID year, we are excited to announce that we raised $46,011 for The Warrior Built Foundation! We truly appreciate all the support we have received over the years as we continue to make an impact for our veterans. Our First Place team turned in a scorecard of 49 which was given to our Warrior Built Veteran Team, Second Place went to our Enterprise Team with a score of 52, and lastly, Third Place went to Westcoast Team with a score of 54. 

If you would like to take a look at all of our photos from our tournament, please check out our tournament website by clicking here! Our photographer, Erik Eilers, donated his time and skills to capture awesome memories for us, if you are interested in checking out more of his work feel free to visit his website at www.erikmeilers.com.

Keep an eye out for details regarding our third annual tournament!